MLD - Manual Lymph Drainage


What is Manual Lymph Drainage

or MLD, manual lymphatic drainage, lymph massage therapy...

Manual Lymphatic Drainage or MLD is a rhythmic, light touch therapy that encourages an increase in lymphatic flow. Giving us the ability to remove excess fluid that when accumulated can create swelling, pain, and discomfort. 


  • After surgery: MLD can be beneficial to reduce swelling and promote healing.
  • Edema and lymphedema management: MLD will probably be a part of your maintenance routine to manage lymphedema along with compression garments, exercises, and treatment with a Lymphedema Therapist.
  • Nervous system regulation: MLD can assist with down regulation for people with PTSD, anxiety, insomnia
  • Post accident: whiplash, car accident, slip and falls, etc.
  • Old injury: pain, soreness, reduced range of motion
  • Old surgery: pain, soreness, reduced range of motion
  • Chronic pain
  • Migraines/headaches

If you have questions about your specific condition or circumstance please feel free to Contact Me.


What does your lymphatic system do?

​Your lymphatic system is your bodies recycling and disposal system.
As your blood transports oxygen and nutrients to nourish your body, what isn't used, or what is actively rejected is left behind and called interstitial fluid. Interstitial fluid lives in the tissue and contains excess water and cellular waste including proteins, lipids, damaged cells, foreign particles (such as bacteria or viruses), etc. Your lymphatic system collects this fluid and moves it back through your system to recycle into your blood stream, and dispose of what is harmful or no longer beneficial. It's pretty awesome!


When and why is excess fluid a problem?

Aren't we supposed to swell? Yes!
Swelling is a natural and protective response of the body. When you're injured, your body is sending lots of help... blood to the area. This is beneficial in two ways:
1. water, oxygen and nutrients needed to heal.
2. Fluid also creates swelling, reduces range of motion and protects the area. 
​It can become uncomfortable, painful and cause long-term problems when the swelling doesn't move on during the rest of the healing process. MLD helps get that fluid moving.